Collecting Plastic Bottle Tops for Charity

recycle bottle tops

Many charities collect bottle tops, and particularly milk bottle tops to raise funds. It is worth keeping an eye out for collections in your area on social media, etc. We have listed here those that we are aware of. Charities can often receive up to £30 for every 500kgs of bottle tops collected and are always looking for bulk. It is possible to set up your own scheme and collect for a charity of your choice as well.

Collection Points by County


Horsham – Sussex Green Living collect for the Springboard Project in Horsham which provides inclusive play and leisure opportunities for families with young children and fun short breaks for children and teenagers with disabilities. They are recycled to make hard plastic toys for children, such as slides and other garden toys.  They also go to make more bottle tops! For further information and drop off points:

Chichester, Rustington, Petersfield & Arundel – collect bottle tops for Chestnut Tree House Children’s Hospice – see their web page for drop off points.


Southampton – Gift of Sight – The Gift of Sight Appeal was established with the aim of funding world-class research into the prevention and treatment of blindness and is managed by Southampton University.

Portsmouth – GHS Recycling – runs many schemes for various charities in the area – a full list is available on their website at and includes drop off points at the following:

  • Prostate Cancer Support (Eastbourne)
  • Lupus UK (Brighton)
  • Salisbury District Hospital – (Salisbury)
  • Thames Valley and Chiltern air ambulance (Sandhurst)
  • Chestnut tree house (St Pauls Church, Chichester)
  • Great Ormond Street Hospital – (East Grinstead)
  • Solent MS Therapy Centre (Hewet Road, North End, Portsmouth)
  • Dementia Support (Tangmere)

Start Your Own Charity Scheme

GHS Recycling are a recycling company who will collect bottle tops and pay charities for the bulk they receive. For further details check out their website at

Commercial Options

Terracycle will also collect bottle tops, and almost anything else. At present, however, they not have a charity scheme, but do have Zero Waste boxes for commercial organisations to buy. For further information check out:


2 Responses to “Collecting Plastic Bottle Tops for Charity”


    I work for BT in Leicester
    We are looking at raising money for our chosen charity “TINY TICKERS”
    We would love to collect plastic bottle tops and get involved.

    How do we go about doing this. would be great to hear from you

    Lisa Starkey

    • Heidi Lang

      Hi Lisa – thanks for commenting on our blog post. I haven’t actually set up a scheme myself, but I believe it is best to contact a recycling company such as this one. Plastic is a commodity for them so they should be happy to help if you can get it to them in quantity. This one is based in Portsmouth, but I think you can mail tops in from anywhere with a minimum weight. There is a list on our blog post too of other charity schemes, so you could contact them and ask them for advice. You’d be doing good for a great charity and for the environment. Good luck.


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