Resourceful Recipes
Food waste is an unnecessary thing and there is nothing more satisfying than creating a dish out of something that you might otherwise have thrown away. We have developed lots of creative ways of making sure we use every morsel! Here are our favourite Resourceful Recipes for you to try!
Bread Maker Iced Buns & Why I Love My Machine!
So my daughter recently started high school, and apparently, it’s a thing to bake your high school starting child something nice when they come home on Friday – not sure if it’s every Friday or just the Friday they start, but our daughter started on a Friday! So my husband agreed to make our daughter her favourite iced buns from scratch to welcome her home. He had not a clue how to make them of course, and was mighty relieved when I suggested we could make them in my breadmaker.
Read more »The Magical World of Home Made Granola | Resourceful and Delicious
So just over a year ago I finally achieved a long term goal of mine – to make my own granola! I say ‘I’ because actually it is so simple that my 9 year old daughter did it! For me, living a resourceful life isn’t about pretty pictures on Instagram – it’s about overcoming the ‘that’s way too complicated and time consuming mental ‘block’ that we have about doing things sometimes the less convenient way. But the benefits are great! But I don’t have time…..Stay with me…I honestly have no spare time at all, but I manage these and long term, they save me time!
Read more »You Say Tomato….How to Make a Delicious Universal Tomato Sauce
We love tomatoes in this house, and would hate to see a single one meet an unfulfilling end. A tomato only goes in the bin here if it can physically walk there. There is just no reason to ever discard such a beautiful, tasty and nutritious fruit. Not only is it full of gorgeous vitamins, but it also contains lypocene, a powerful antioxidant which is said to protect against some forms of cancer. It is full of flavour, adaptable and if you are that way inclined, easy to grow, so we want you to feel the tomato love!
Read more »Food Waste Rescue | Apple & Maple Tray Bake
This deliciously simple traybake is the perfect way to use up any slightly less than optimal apples! It tastes properly luxurious as you marry the simple joy of apples with the decadence of maple syrup! You can add in walnuts or other nuts too, but we kept ours nut-free so that we can take it to school! Topped off with a cream cheese frosting, your friends and family will love you forever!
Read more »Yummy Bird Food Cakes From Larder Leftovers
Hands up who has got a larder or cupboard full of out of date baking ingredients that they can’t bear to throw away? Not only did we have a large pile of all of these, such as dried fruit, nuts, oats, and even coconut from 2015, but we had two boxes of Atora suet that had been eyeing me up imploringly since I opted to use butter in my homemade mincemeat last Christmas! I knew I had to make use of them, and one day it dawned on me that the combination that I had to hand would also make perfect bird food cakes!
Read more »You Call it Cake, I Call it Kuchen | A Most Resourceful Fruity Traybake
So it’s my dad’s birthday this week (sadly no longer with) and it is at this time of year that my mind always turns to my childhood memories. My dad was 100% bonafide German, and he loved his food…German food, English food…his life was food! And I am pretty sure this stemmed from the exceptional introduction he had to it as a child. Because my grandmother lived the most resourceful life imaginable bringing up three small boys in a tiny village in wartime Germany.
Read more »Let’s Get Pickling | The Simple & Delicious Way to Preserve Just About Everything!
At this time of year, I simply love digging through my veg patch to see what treasures lay buried but as yet undiscovered. Every year I grow beetroot and carrots with great enthusiasm – they are so easy and so rewarding! There’s nothing like a delve through the foliage to see what’s there, especially at this time of year, because at this time of year, it is time to get pickling! And there is nothing I like more than a pickle!
Read more »Green Tomato Spiced Cake | Deliciously Different
Fancy doing something a bit different with the glut of green tomatoes you have left? Give this tried and tested green tomato cake a go! If like me you are a fan of sticky spiced cakes you will love this. Given the seal of approval from my work colleagues, even converting those who don’t believe vegetables belong in a cake (although most class tomatoes as a salad or a fruit!) gave it rave reviews. It is after all, quite delicious.
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