Welcome to Waste Not Want Not. We have one mission in life – to live it resourcefully! We are not here to preach or even save the planet, but we do believe that we could all be living life less wastefully and making the most of what we’ve got.
So What’s It All About…
- We’d like to give you some hints and tips on how to reduce waste and make the best use of the waste that you do produce, be it charity, reusing or revitalising!
- We are working on bringing you the ultimate guide to recycling – surely the most confusing subject in the entire world! Check out our Recyclarium for lots of advice!
- We’d like to help you run a ‘smarter’ household, reducing waste in all areas of your life!
- We’ll give you the inside story. So if you want to know what happens to your waste when it leaves your door, we’ll tell you so that you can make an informed choice as to what to do with it.
- And we will sweat the small stuff. We’ll work out which products represent the best value for money across a wide range of criteria and whether it is worth spending the extra on some things!
- And of course, we’ll bring you lots of fun stuff and would be delighted to hear your ideas!