At this time of year, I simply love digging through my veg patch to see what treasures lay buried but as yet undiscovered. Every year I grow beetroot and carrots with great enthusiasm – they are so easy and so rewarding! There’s nothing like a delve through the foliage to see what’s there, especially at this time of year, because at this time of year, it is time to get pickling! And there is nothing I like more than a pickle!
Posts Tagged: waste not
Addicted to Convenience | How We Got Where We Are!
So what a delight to start a new year with the environment so high up on everyone’s agenda. Whatever you thought of the Prime Minister’s speech on the 25 year Environmental Plan, the fact that she felt the need to make it, means that the Government think there’s an appetite for matters environmental at the moment, which is good news indeed. The Attenborough factor has to be high on the list reasons as to why this has suddenly popped into the public consciousness but that’s fine – he’s a legend. However, we think that in order to tackle the problem, we need to have a very long hard look at how we got to where we are in the first place.