Smart Home
Top tips on reducing household waste and making things run just that little bit more smoothly.
Make Your Own Loose Produce Bag Out of a T-Shirt | Reduce Plastic Waste in Your Life
The motivation to make my own produce bag comes from a recent debate in the supermarket with my dear husband. For a long time, I have been content with weighing my produce and sticking the sticker onto one of the items. He did not share the same thoughts, however, and was putting potatoes into plastic bags!! So this is my attempt to dissuade him from this habit, although he looked unimpressed by my creation, and is yet to try it out! Regardless of what he thinks, I love it, and it is so easy to do!
Read more »Cut the Food Waste Out Of Your Life | Our Waste Not Want Not Top Tips
Some of us were brought up to clear our plates and eat everything put in front of us even if we were stuffed to the gills and not particularly partial to soggy cabbage. That is because we were brought up by parents and grandparents who remember the war, and really know what it means to go without. Food waste to that generation was unthinkable but today it seems to have become the norm.
Read more »Green Tomato Spiced Cake | Deliciously Different
Fancy doing something a bit different with the glut of green tomatoes you have left? Give this tried and tested green tomato cake a go! If like me you are a fan of sticky spiced cakes you will love this. Given the seal of approval from my work colleagues, even converting those who don’t believe vegetables belong in a cake (although most class tomatoes as a salad or a fruit!) gave it rave reviews. It is after all, quite delicious.
Read more »Make the Most of Your Strawberries! | Live Long and Juicy!
Anybody else planning to hit the PYO establishments this weekend and gather some beautiful strawberries? The weather is looking lovely, and the strawberry season is in full flow!! But don’t you find they sometimes go off more quickly than you can eat them. And doesn’t chopping the top off and throwing so much deliciousness away really bug you!
Read more »Easy Portuguese Custard Tarts | How to Use Those Extra Yolks
So for every home-made lemon meringue pie that emerges from the kitchen, there’s a bowl of excess egg yolks. These, of course, have to be put to use in a manner befitting the gloriously golden hue of the home laid egg! As major custard lovers, our minds automatically turn to that glorious melange of egg, vanilla and cream and the yummy delights that can be created from that unbeatable combination.
Read more »Let Loose the Juice | Three Ways to Save Your Wrinkly Satsumas from Extermination
I don’t know about you, but I often find buying satsumas, mandarins or clementines a bit of a lottery – sometimes they are delicious and juicy and the kids just romp through them. At other times they are disappointing, tough and destined to a future languishing in the fruit bowl unloved, ignored and ultimately deteriorating.
Read more »Carrot and Coriander Soup | Our Veg Patch Salvage
So it’s coming to the end of the veg patch year for us around September. We are fair weather gardeners with only minimal space to play with, so at this point we have a good ‘root’ around quite literally, to see what we have missed in our daily harvest. Invariably this yields a collection of not quite big enough carrots, who definitely wouldn’t make the supermarket cut, but are perfect for a hearty and healthy soup! One of our favourites, as well as being the simplest to make, any manner of carrot will do! Here is our tried and tested recipe in all its glory!
Read more »Recycling Your Christmas Tree!
If you are planning to un-deck your halls this weekend, as is the tradition, then please consider the options for disposing of your rapidly disintegrating Christmas trees! Here is our WNWN Guide to responsibly recycling your Christmas tree!
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