gift a bundle baby clothes

Gift a Bundle of Baby Clothes for Mother’s Day

Got a pile of baby clothes languishing in your loft?  Can’t bring yourself to part with them?  Well here’s a very good reason to do just that!

Mothercare have partnered up with environmental charity, Hubbub, to deliver #giftabundle – a scheme that passes on otherwise unwanted an unused baby clothes to families and communities who need them.  It’s a win/win with perfectly good baby clothing also receiving an extended life.

Parents can hand in bundles of six to ten items of good quality, outgrown baby clothing (aged premature to three years) in selected Mothercare stores across the UK.  You can collect a #giftabundle bag in-store. Check the website for things that cannot be donated.

For further information on how you can get involved, check out :

Or if you would like to find out if you are eligible to receive a bundle, contact your local participating store.

All donations must be received in store by 11th March!